
Diesel Generator

Diesel Generator

Off grid home running a diesel generator.

The constant rumble of a diesel generator, a never-ending necessity to keep the lights on, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Your Solution:

When challenges seemed insurmountable, our customer turned to us for answers. The problem? No access to a main grid connection due to the remote location. But we don’t back down from challenges; we innovate!

Introducing the Ultimate Solution: Generator + Energy Storage

JTM Power engineered a groundbreaking solution, seamlessly combining a generator with an energy storage system. The result? A transformative shift from 24/7 generator operation to just 2 hours a day.


What Does This Mean for You?

– Eco-Friendly Living: Say farewell to prolonged noise and pollution. Embrace the serenity you deserve.

– Fuel Efficiency: With reduced generator use, enjoy a significant boost in fuel efficiency and cost savings of up to 90%.


What we didn’t tell you is there 3 independent building running from that generator

– Seamless Power: Our innovative system design ensures that all three buildings receive power simultaneously, ensuring uninterrupted comfort and convenience for all residents.

The story is a testament to JTM Power’s commitment to turning challenges into opportunities. Your path to energy freedom begins here, where innovation meets sustainable living.

Ready to Experience Your Energy Revolution?

Contact JTM Power today and let us craft a tailor-made solution that will redefine your energy needs, making everyday living efficient, eco-friendly, and serene. Your journey towards a brighter, quieter, and more sustainable future starts now!


Roots Food Truck

Roots Food Truck

A food van parked at the entrance to Monkstown Train & Dart station specialising in Coffees and healthy food options for commuters.

To operate the truck, they needed a generator for power connected into the truck which wasn’t very inspiring for their visual appearance to their customers couple this with the diesel fumes and noise created from the generator.

Plus, adding to this was the problem of not being able to leave the generator on site overnight so the generator had to be removed every evening and brought back in the morning which also meant that no food could be left inside the fridges or coolers overnight.

So, a lot of problems need to be solved this is where JTM Power comes in

In consultation with the owner Dave, we came up with a hybrid solution of battery and a generator which would power the truck 24/7 without having the need for the generator running while the truck was open and serving customers.

Once installed JTM Power were able to fine tune the system so the generator only ran for very heavy loads and when required for charging of the batteries and charging was all done before the truck opened for business each morning.

JTM bespoke start /stop technology and remote monitoring meant JTM engineers were able to monitor the system daily and adjust if necessary.

A good result: less fuel being burned and less polluting the dart station and no noisy generators.

System runs automatically just as if it was a mains grid connection.


Beyond the Grid: Empowering Communities with Battery Energy Storage Systems

Beyond the Grid: Empowering Communities with Battery Energy Storage Systems

In the ever-evolving energy landscape of Ireland and the UK, the shift towards more sustainable and resilient energy solutions is palpable. Among the myriad of technologies spearheading this transition, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) stand out for their unique potential to empower communities far beyond the traditional grid. As an Energy Consultant deeply embedded in the Irish and UK markets, I’ve had the privilege to witness and contribute to the transformative role of BESS in fostering energy independence, sustainability, and economic growth at the community level. This blog delves into the essence of BESS, its benefits for communities, and the bright future it heralds for local energy systems.

Unveiling BESS: A Community Powerhouse

BESS is more than just a technology; it’s a catalyst for change. By storing electricity—either from the grid at times of low demand and low cost, or directly from local renewable sources—BESS provides communities with a reliable and flexible energy supply. This is particularly crucial in areas where grid reliability is an issue or where grid connection costs are prohibitively high.

The Role of BESS in Community Energy Systems

At the heart of community energy systems, BESS plays multiple roles:

  • Energy Security: BESS ensures a stable and reliable energy supply, reducing dependency on the central grid and enhancing resilience to outages.
  • Renewable Integration: It facilitates the integration of local renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, by storing excess energy for later use, thus maximising the use of local resources.
  • Peak Shaving: BESS can help communities reduce energy costs by storing energy during off-peak times and using it during peak times, when energy prices are higher.
  • Grid Services: In some cases, community energy systems can provide services to the broader grid, such as frequency regulation and demand response, creating potential revenue streams.

Empowering Irish and UK Communities

In both Ireland and the UK, numerous communities are already reaping the benefits of BESS. From rural villages to urban neighbourhoods, BESS is proving to be a versatile solution for a variety of energy challenges.

Case Studies: BESS in Action

  • Rural Electrification: In remote areas of Ireland and the UK, BESS is being used to provide reliable electricity where extending the traditional grid would be economically unfeasible.
  • Urban Resilience: In cities, community-led BESS projects are enhancing energy resilience, ensuring that essential services remain operational during power outages.
  • Energy Co-operatives: Numerous energy co-operatives have emerged, where community members collectively invest in BESS and renewable energy sources, fostering a sense of ownership and shared benefits.

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Ahead

While BESS holds immense promise, its widespread adoption in community settings is not without challenges. Initial capital costs, technical complexities, and regulatory hurdles are some of the obstacles that need to be addressed. Moreover, there’s a pressing need for supportive policies, financial incentives, and community engagement strategies to facilitate the adoption of BESS at the grassroots level.

However, the future looks bright. Technological advancements are rapidly reducing the costs of BESS, making it more accessible to communities. Furthermore, there’s a growing recognition among policymakers of the critical role that community energy systems, supported by BESS, can play in achieving broader energy and climate goals.

Conclusion: A Sustainable and Empowered Future

BESS stands at the forefront of a revolution that goes beyond energy storage; it’s about empowering communities to take control of their energy future. In Ireland and the UK, the potential for BESS to transform local energy landscapes is immense. By embracing this technology, communities can not only enhance their energy security and sustainability but also contribute to the broader goals of carbon reduction and economic resilience.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of the energy transition, the role of communities, bolstered by innovations like BESS, will be pivotal. It’s a journey of collective action, innovation, and resilience, leading us towards a more sustainable and empowered future.


Energising Resilience: How BESS Enhances Reliability in Modern Energy Infrastructures

Energising Resilience: How BESS Enhances Reliability in Modern Energy Infrastructures

In the rapidly evolving landscape of global energy, the demand for more resilient and reliable power infrastructures has never been higher. As nations grapple with the dual challenges of climate change and growing energy needs, the role of innovative technologies in bolstering energy resilience is coming sharply into focus. Among these, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are emerging as a cornerstone technology, offering unparalleled benefits in enhancing the reliability and resilience of modern energy infrastructures. As an Energy Consultant operating within the dynamic markets of Ireland and the UK, I’ve witnessed the transformative impact of BESS on our energy systems. This blog delves into how BESS is redefining energy reliability and shaping the future of resilient power infrastructures.

The BESS Advantage: A Pillar of Energy Reliability

BESS technology stands out for its ability to store electricity and dispatch it when needed, acting as a critical buffer and balancing mechanism within the energy grid. This capability is pivotal in addressing the inherent intermittency of renewable energy sources and ensuring a stable energy supply.

Stabilising the Grid

BESS plays a vital role in grid stabilisation by providing ancillary services such as frequency regulation and voltage support. These services are essential in maintaining the balance between energy supply and demand, ensuring the continuous and reliable operation of the grid.

Enhancing Energy Security

By providing a dependable backup power source, BESS enhances the energy security of modern infrastructures. In the event of power outages or disruptions, BESS can quickly supply energy, minimising downtime and mitigating the impact on critical services and operations.

Facilitating Renewable Integration

As Ireland and the UK increasingly turn to renewable energy sources to meet their climate goals, BESS is proving instrumental in facilitating this transition. By storing excess renewable energy and releasing it as needed, BESS allows for a higher penetration of renewables into the grid, reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based power generation.

Case Studies: BESS in Action

Across Ireland and the UK, BESS projects are demonstrating the technology’s potential to enhance grid reliability and resilience. From large-scale energy storage facilities connected to national grids to localised BESS installations serving specific communities or industries, these projects showcase the versatility and impact of BESS in modern energy infrastructures.

Empowering Communities

In rural and remote areas, BESS is empowering communities by providing a reliable energy source that can operate independently of the central grid. This autonomy not only improves energy reliability but also encourages local energy generation and consumption, fostering sustainable community development.

Supporting Critical Infrastructure

For critical infrastructure such as hospitals, data centres, and emergency services, BESS ensures uninterrupted power supply, enhancing operational resilience and reliability. This support is crucial in maintaining essential services during power disruptions.

Navigating the Future: Challenges and Opportunities

While the benefits of BESS are clear, its widespread adoption faces challenges such as high initial costs, technological complexities, and regulatory barriers. However, the opportunities presented by BESS in enhancing energy reliability and resilience are immense. Continuous innovation, coupled with supportive policies and investment in infrastructure, will be key to overcoming these challenges and unlocking the full potential of BESS.

Conclusion: A Resilient Future Powered by BESS

The integration of BESS into modern energy infrastructures is a testament to the pivotal role of innovation in building a more resilient and reliable energy future. In Ireland and the UK, as well as globally, BESS is not just an option but a necessity in the quest for sustainable and resilient power solutions. As we continue to explore and expand the capabilities of BESS, its impact on energy reliability and resilience will undoubtedly grow, energising the path towards a more sustainable and secure energy landscape.


Unlocking the Future: How BESS is Revolutionising Renewable Energy Storage

Unlocking the Future: How BESS is Revolutionising Renewable Energy Storage

In the rapidly evolving landscape of renewable energy, one technology stands out as a game-changer for the Irish and UK markets: Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). As an Energy Consultant operating within these vibrant and dynamic markets, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact BESS is having on how we store and manage renewable energy. In this blog, we’ll delve into the nuts and bolts of BESS, explore its pivotal role in the renewable energy sector, and shed light on its potential to shape a more sustainable and resilient energy future for Ireland and the UK.

The BESS Revolution: A Primer

At its core, BESS is a technology that allows for the storage of electricity generated from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, for use at a later time. This capability is vital in addressing one of the most significant challenges of renewable energy: intermittency. The sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind doesn’t always blow, but BESS ensures that the energy produced during peak conditions doesn’t go to waste.

The Mechanics of BESS

BESS works by converting electrical energy from renewable sources into a form that can be stored, typically in lithium-ion batteries, and then converting it back to electrical energy when needed. This process involves two key components: power conversion systems (PCS) and energy management systems (EMS). PCS manage the flow of electricity to and from the storage medium, while EMS optimise the charging and discharging cycles based on various factors such as demand forecasts, grid conditions, and battery health.

The Impact on Renewable Energy Integration

The integration of BESS into the energy grid has profound implications for the renewable energy sector. It enhances grid stability by providing ancillary services like frequency regulation and voltage support. Moreover, BESS enables a higher penetration of renewables into the grid by mitigating the variability of wind and solar energy, thus reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based backup generators.

The Irish and UK Perspective

Ireland and the UK are uniquely positioned to benefit from the BESS revolution due to their ambitious renewable energy targets and the inherent challenges of their energy systems. Both countries have committed to drastically reducing carbon emissions in the coming decades, with significant investments in wind and solar power. However, the intermittent nature of these energy sources poses a considerable challenge.

BESS in Action: Case Studies

In Ireland, projects like the Tynagh Energy Storage Project exemplify the potential of BESS to enhance grid resilience and support the integration of renewables. Similarly, in the UK, the deployment of large-scale battery storage projects is underway, with facilities like the Minety Battery Storage Project in Wiltshire showcasing the technology’s capability to support the national grid during periods of peak demand.

Policy and Market Dynamics

The Irish and UK governments have recognized the critical role of energy storage in achieving their renewable energy goals. Policies and regulations are being adapted to provide a supportive framework for BESS deployment, including incentives for energy storage and streamlined regulatory processes. The market dynamics are also shifting, with an increasing number of players entering the BESS space, driving innovation and competitive pricing.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the promising trajectory, BESS faces several challenges. Technical hurdles such as battery lifespan, efficiency, and the environmental impact of battery production need addressing. Moreover, the regulatory and market frameworks are still evolving, requiring ongoing adaptation to keep pace with technological advancements.

However, the opportunities outweigh the challenges. BESS is paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient energy system, offering flexibility, reliability, and a significant reduction in carbon emissions. As the technology matures and scales, its economic viability will continue to improve, making it an indispensable tool in our renewable energy arsenal.


The BESS revolution is more than just a technological breakthrough; it’s a beacon of hope for a sustainable energy future. In the Irish and UK markets, where the push for renewable energy is strong and the challenges are unique, BESS stands as a key enabler in our journey towards a greener, more resilient energy landscape. As we unlock the full potential of this technology, we move closer to a future where renewable energy is not just viable but vital to our energy security and environmental stewardship.

In embracing BESS, we’re not just storing energy; we’re storing the promise of a brighter, cleaner future. The journey ahead is exciting, and the impact of BESS on the renewable energy sector will undoubtedly be profound. Let’s continue to support and invest in this revolutionary technology, for it holds the key to unlocking the boundless possibilities of renewable energy.


Beyond the Grid: Empowering Communities with Battery Energy Storage Systems

Beyond the Grid: Empowering Communities with Battery Energy Storage Systems

In the ever-evolving energy landscape of Ireland and the UK, the shift towards more sustainable and resilient energy solutions is palpable. Among the myriad of technologies spearheading this transition, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) stand out for their unique potential to empower communities far beyond the traditional grid. As an Energy Consultant deeply embedded in the Irish and UK markets, I’ve had the privilege to witness and contribute to the transformative role of BESS in fostering energy independence, sustainability, and economic growth at the community level. This blog delves into the essence of BESS, its benefits for communities, and the bright future it heralds for local energy systems.

Unveiling BESS: A Community Powerhouse

BESS is more than just a technology; it’s a catalyst for change. By storing electricity—either from the grid at times of low demand and low cost, or directly from local renewable sources—BESS provides communities with a reliable and flexible energy supply. This is particularly crucial in areas where grid reliability is an issue or where grid connection costs are prohibitively high.

The Role of BESS in Community Energy Systems

At the heart of community energy systems, BESS plays multiple roles:

  • Energy Security: BESS ensures a stable and reliable energy supply, reducing dependency on the central grid and enhancing resilience to outages.
  • Renewable Integration: It facilitates the integration of local renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, by storing excess energy for later use, thus maximising the use of local resources.
  • Peak Shaving: BESS can help communities reduce energy costs by storing energy during off-peak times and using it during peak times, when energy prices are higher.
  • Grid Services: In some cases, community energy systems can provide services to the broader grid, such as frequency regulation and demand response, creating potential revenue streams.

Empowering Irish and UK Communities

In both Ireland and the UK, numerous communities are already reaping the benefits of BESS. From rural villages to urban neighbourhoods, BESS is proving to be a versatile solution for a variety of energy challenges.

Case Studies: BESS in Action

  • Rural Electrification: In remote areas of Ireland and the UK, BESS is being used to provide reliable electricity where extending the traditional grid would be economically unfeasible.
  • Urban Resilience: In cities, community-led BESS projects are enhancing energy resilience, ensuring that essential services remain operational during power outages.
  • Energy Co-operatives: Numerous energy co-operatives have emerged, where community members collectively invest in BESS and renewable energy sources, fostering a sense of ownership and shared benefits.

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Ahead

While BESS holds immense promise, its widespread adoption in community settings is not without challenges. Initial capital costs, technical complexities, and regulatory hurdles are some of the obstacles that need to be addressed. Moreover, there’s a pressing need for supportive policies, financial incentives, and community engagement strategies to facilitate the adoption of BESS at the grassroots level.

However, the future looks bright. Technological advancements are rapidly reducing the costs of BESS, making it more accessible to communities. Furthermore, there’s a growing recognition among policymakers of the critical role that community energy systems, supported by BESS, can play in achieving broader energy and climate goals.

Conclusion: A Sustainable and Empowered Future

BESS stands at the forefront of a revolution that goes beyond energy storage; it’s about empowering communities to take control of their energy future. In Ireland and the UK, the potential for BESS to transform local energy landscapes is immense. By embracing this technology, communities can not only enhance their energy security and sustainability but also contribute to the broader goals of carbon reduction and economic resilience.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of the energy transition, the role of communities, bolstered by innovations like BESS, will be pivotal. It’s a journey of collective action, innovation, and resilience, leading us towards a more sustainable and empowered future.